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Author: Eric Seals

Flu Season 2020

Flu Season 2020


No one ever wants to get the Flu, but it is especially important for us to do everything we can to avoid it this flu season. The Flu is a respiratory illness that is cause by the influenza virus and it infects the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. The infection that the virus causes can be mild to severe and sometimes lead to death.  Some of the symptoms of the flu are coughing, runny nose, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and body aches. This virus is also contagious and is usually spread by infected respiratory droplets that are inhaled by a healthy person. It is not as likely, but the virus can also be spread from objects that are contaminated.

The symptoms of the flu and the way it spreads are very similar to the COVID-19 virus that has been plaguing the world since January. The combination of these two viruses circulating at the same time could be disastrous. The healthcare system has already been strained with meeting the need of those who have been infected with the COVID-19 virus. The possible additional influx of sick people, due to the flu virus could make it increasingly challenging for people to get the care they need. It is important that we take as many precautions as possible to prevent the spread of the flu, especially this year.

We are already taking a lot of the precautions needed to slow/stop the spread of the flu virus, such as wearing masks, washing our hands frequently, not touching our faces, disinfecting frequently touched objects, and staying home if we are sick. There is another way that we can protect ourselves and community from the flu by getting the flu shot! It is advised that every person 6 months or older get the shot every flu season, as it can prevent contraction of the virus or lessen the effect of the symptoms.

If you are feeling sick or having flu like symptoms come into ERgent Med! Our wait times are shorter, and our prices are affordable. We also have rapid flu and Covid-19 tests that will help us create a plan of care as efficiently as possible.

 It is our job to keep our community healthy, and we take that job very seriously!


Learn More about Flu Season 2020:

The Difference between Urgent Care and Emergency Room

The Difference between Urgent Care and Emergency Room-
When Choosing Urgent Care is the Right Fit.

If you are feeling sick or have an injury, where do you go? The emergency room or an urgent care clinic? The answer may not always be simple but knowing the difference between your options will help you make an informed decision that could save time, money, or your life. 

What is the Difference? 

Urgent care clinics treat minor non- life threating injuries and illnesses anywhere from earaches to minor fractures, while the emergency room treats major injuries and illnesses that threaten life and limb. Urgent care visits are much shorter compared to the emergency room and usually cost 2 – 3 times less. 


Below are short lists of conditions that are best suited to be treated at an urgent care clinic or an emergency room to help you in your health care decisions: 


Urgent care: 

  • Fever and Flu Symptoms 
  • Colds, Cough, Sore Throats  
  • Minor Burns 
  • Mild Asthma  
  • Urinary Tract Infections 
  • Strains and Sprains 
  • Minor Lacerations 
  • Minor Fractures 
  • Headaches 
  • X-rays 
  • Lab Work  
  • Back or Joint Pain 
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea  
  • Animal Bites 
  • Abdominal Pain 
  • Covid Screening 
  • Rash 

Emergency Room: 

  • Chest Pain or Difficulty Breathing 
  • Weakness/Numbness on One Side 
  • Fainting/ Loss of Consciousness 
  • Serious Burns 
  • Head Injury 
  • Severe Abdominal Pain 
  • Seizures 
  • Severe Cuts 
  • Blurry or loss of Vision 
  • Severe allergic reactions 
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents 
  • Acute Confusion 
  • Slurred Speech 

 The difference between the two is in the severity of the condition. If you are experiencing any life threating injury or illness, go to the emergency room, but if what you are experiencing is minor come to Ergent Med and utilize our convenient and affordable services, as well as our incredible staff. 


Learn More:,typically%20do%20it%20more%20affordably.


How does wearing a mask help slow the spread of Covid-19?

How does wearing a mask help slow the spread Covid-19?

Wearing mask has become a part of our everyday lives since the CDC recommended, in early April, that everyone should wear them when out in public and around those who do not live in their household. This recommendation came after we learned that some individuals were actually carrying the virus even though they did not have any symptoms. It was even discovered that people carrying the virus could be most contagious when symptoms were mild or when they didn’t have any symptoms. But how does wearing a mask help to slow the spread of COVID-19? 

COVID-19 is spread through the respiratory droplets that are released into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, sings, or raises their voice. These infected droplets can then be inhaled into the respiratory tract or lungs and possiblinfect those who are near. Wearing a mask is beneficial because the masks help “catch these droplets and slow them from traveling as far in the air, giving the droplets less of a chance to enter the respiratory tract and lungs of others and spread the virus. The cloth masks that the CDC recommends are not to be considered personal protective equipment, the purpose of these masks is to protect others from your potentially infected droplets. Therefore, wearing masks are most effective when a large majority of the population are wearing them. Masks are an important part of how we can slow the spread, but they need to be used in conjunction with the other measures that the CDC recommends like social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and sanitizing frequently touched surfaces.  


Learn more about mask: