How does wearing a mask help slow the spread Covid-19?
Wearing a mask has become a part of our everyday lives since the CDC recommended, in early April, that everyone should wear them when out in public and around those who do not live in their household. This recommendation came after we learned that some individuals were actually carrying the virus even though they did not have any symptoms. It was even discovered that people carrying the virus could be most contagious when symptoms were mild or when they didn’t have any symptoms. But how does wearing a mask help to slow the spread of COVID-19?
COVID-19 is spread through the respiratory droplets that are released into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, sings, or raises their voice. These infected droplets can then be inhaled into the respiratory tract or lungs and possibly infect those who are near. Wearing a mask is beneficial because the masks help “catch” these droplets and slow them from traveling as far in the air, giving the droplets less of a chance to enter the respiratory tract and lungs of others and spread the virus. The cloth masks that the CDC recommends are not to be considered personal protective equipment, the purpose of these masks is to protect others from your potentially infected droplets. Therefore, wearing masks are most effective when a large majority of the population are wearing them. Masks are an important part of how we can slow the spread, but they need to be used in conjunction with the other measures that the CDC recommends like social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and sanitizing frequently touched surfaces.
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