The Difference between Urgent Care and Emergency Room-
When Choosing Urgent Care is the Right Fit.
When Choosing Urgent Care is the Right Fit.
If you are feeling sick or have an injury, where do you go? The emergency room or an urgent care clinic? The answer may not always be simple but knowing the difference between your options will help you make an informed decision that could save time, money, or your life.
What is the Difference?
Urgent care clinics treat minor non- life threating injuries and illnesses anywhere from earaches to minor fractures, while the emergency room treats major injuries and illnesses that threaten life and limb. Urgent care visits are much shorter compared to the emergency room and usually cost 2 – 3 times less.
Below are short lists of conditions that are best suited to be treated at an urgent care clinic or an emergency room to help you in your health care decisions:

Urgent care:
- Fever and Flu Symptoms
- Colds, Cough, Sore Throats
- Minor Burns
- Mild Asthma
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Strains and Sprains
- Minor Lacerations
- Minor Fractures
- Headaches
- X-rays
- Lab Work
- Back or Joint Pain
- Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
- Animal Bites
- Abdominal Pain
- Covid Screening
- Rash
Emergency Room:
- Chest Pain or Difficulty Breathing
- Weakness/Numbness on One Side
- Fainting/ Loss of Consciousness
- Serious Burns
- Head Injury
- Severe Abdominal Pain
- Seizures
- Severe Cuts
- Blurry or loss of Vision
- Severe allergic reactions
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Acute Confusion
- Slurred Speech
The difference between the two is in the severity of the condition. If you are experiencing any life threating injury or illness, go to the emergency room, but if what you are experiencing is minor come to Ergent Med and utilize our convenient and affordable services, as well as our incredible staff.
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